OZO 「お象」
Boost.Asio and libpq based asynchronous PostgreSQL unofficial header-only C++17 client library.
ozo::connection_traits< Rep > Struct Template Reference

#include <ozo/connection_pool.h>


template<typename Rep>
struct ozo::connection_traits< Rep >

Connection traits depend on a representation type.

Template Parameters
Rep— connection representation data type


using native_handle_type = typename Rep::native_handle_type
 Native connection handle type.
using oid_map_type = typename Rep::oid_map_type
 Oid map of types that are used with the connection.
using error_context_type = typename Rep::error_context_type
 Additional error context which could provide context depended information for errors.
using statistics_type = typename Rep::statistics_type
 Connection statistics to be collected.