OZO 「お象」
Boost.Asio and libpq based asynchronous PostgreSQL unofficial header-only C++17 client library.
ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics > Class Template Reference

#include <ozo/connection.h>


template<typename OidMap, typename Statistics>
class ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >

Default model for Connection concept.

Connection concept model which is used by the library as default model. The class object is non-copyable.

Template Parameters
OidMap— oid map of types are used with connection
Statistics— statistics of the connection (not supported yet)
Thread safety
Distinct objects: Safe
Shared objects: Unsafe


using native_handle_type = ozo::pg::conn::pointer
 Native connection handle type.
using oid_map_type = OidMap
 Oid map of types that are used with the connection.
using error_context_type = std::string
 Additional error context which could provide context depended information for errors.
using executor_type = io_context::executor_type
 The type of the executor associated with the object.

Public Member Functions

 connection (io_context &io, Statistics statistics)
native_handle_type native_handle () const noexcept
oid_map_typeoid_map () noexcept
const oid_map_typeoid_map () const noexcept
const error_context_typeget_error_context () const noexcept
void set_error_context (error_context_type v=error_context_type{})
executor_type get_executor () const noexcept
error_code assign (ozo::pg::conn &&handle)
ozo::pg::conn release ()
template<typename WaitHandler >
void async_wait_write (WaitHandler &&handler)
template<typename WaitHandler >
void async_wait_read (WaitHandler &&handler)
error_code close () noexcept
void cancel () noexcept
bool is_bad () const noexcept
 operator bool () const noexcept
bool is_open () const noexcept


◆ connection()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::connection ( io_context &  io,
Statistics  statistics 

Construct a new connection object.

io— execution context for IO operations associated with the object.
statistics— initial statistics (not supported yet)

Member Function Documentation

◆ assign()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
error_code ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::assign ( ozo::pg::conn &&  handle)

Assign an existing native connection handle to the object.

Typically this function is used by the library within the connection establishing process. Users should not use it directly other than for a special purpose (e.g., special connection pool implementation and so on).

Don't call this function during any active operation executed on the object.
handle— rvalue reference on a new handle.
error_code — error code of the function call.

References ozo::error::pq_socket_failed.

◆ async_wait_read()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
template<typename WaitHandler >
void ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::async_wait_read ( WaitHandler &&  handler)

Asynchronously wait for the connection socket to become ready to read or to have pending error conditions.

Typically this function is used by the library within the connection establishing process and operation execution. Users should not use it directly other than for custom libpq-based opeartions.

The function is designated to the library operations use only. Don't call this function directly.
handler— wait handler with void(ozo::error_code, int=0) signature.

◆ async_wait_write()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
template<typename WaitHandler >
void ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::async_wait_write ( WaitHandler &&  handler)

Asynchronously wait for the connection socket to become ready to write or to have pending error conditions.

Typically this function is used by the library within the connection establishing process and operation execution. Users should not use it directly other than for custom libpq-based opeartions.

The function is designated to the library operations use only. Don't call this function directly.
handler— wait handler with void(ozo::error_code, int=0) signature.

◆ cancel()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
void ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::cancel

Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the connection.

This function causes all outstanding asynchronous operations to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations will be passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.

◆ close()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
error_code ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::close

Close the connection.

Any asynchronous operations will be cancelled immediately, and will complete with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.

error_code - indicates what error occurred, if any. Note that, even if the function indicates an error, the underlying connection is closed.

◆ get_error_context()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
const error_context_type& ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::get_error_context ( ) const

Get the additional context object for an error that occurred during the last operation on the connection.

const error_context_type& — additional context for the error

◆ get_executor()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
executor_type ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::get_executor ( ) const

Get the executor associated with the object.

executor_type — executor object.

◆ is_bad()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
bool ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::is_bad

Determine whether the connection is in bad state.

false — connection established, and it is ok to execute operations
true — connection is not established, no operation shall be performed, but an error context may be obtained via get_error_context() and ozo::error_message().

Referenced by ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::operator bool().

◆ is_open()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
bool ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::is_open ( ) const

Determine whether the connection is open.

false — connection is closed and no native handle associated with.
true — connection is open and there is a native handle associated with.

References ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::native_handle().

◆ native_handle()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
native_handle_type ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::native_handle ( ) const

Get native connection handle object.

This function may be used to obtain the underlying representation of the connection. This is intended to allow access to native libpq functionality that is not otherwise provided.

Don't use the function with the PQfinish function. Use the close() member function instead.
native_handle_type — native connection handle.

Referenced by ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::is_open().

◆ oid_map() [1/2]

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
const oid_map_type& ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::oid_map ( ) const

Get a reference to an oid map object for types that are used with the connection.

const oid_map_type& — reference on oid map object.

◆ oid_map() [2/2]

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
oid_map_type& ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::oid_map ( )

Get a reference to an oid map object for types that are used with the connection. This method is used after connection establishing process to update the map.

oid_map_type& — reference on oid map object.

◆ operator bool()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::operator bool ( ) const

Determine whether the connection is not in bad state.

true — connection established, and it is ok to execute operations
false — connection is not established, no operation shall be performed, but an error context may be obtained via get_error_context() and ozo::error_message().

References ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::is_bad().

◆ release()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
ozo::pg::conn ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::release

Release ownership of the native connection handle object.

This function may be used to obtain the underlying representation of the descriptor. After calling this function, is_open() returns false. The caller is the owner for the connection descriptor. All outstanding asynchronous read or write operations will finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations will be passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.

ozo::pg::conn — native connection handle object

◆ set_error_context()

template<typename OidMap , typename Statistics >
void ozo::connection< OidMap, Statistics >::set_error_context ( error_context_type  v = error_context_type{})

Set the additional error context object. This function may be used to provide additional context-depended data that is related to the current operation error.

v— new error context.