Source code for

This file contains report class for regression estimators. Report includes:

    * features scatter plots, correlations
    * learning curve
    * feature importance
    * feature importance by shuffling the feature column

All methods return objects, which can have plot method (details see in :class:`rep.plotting`)

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

from itertools import islice
from collections import OrderedDict
import itertools

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

from .. import plotting
from ..utils import get_columns_dict
from ._base import AbstractReport
from ..estimators.interface import Regressor

__author__ = 'Alex Rogozhnikov, Tatiana Likhomanenko'

[docs]class RegressionReport(AbstractReport): def __init__(self, regressors, lds): """ Report simplifies comparison of regressors on the same dataset. :param regressors: OrderedDict with regressors (RegressionFactory) :type regressors: dict[str, Regressor] :param LabeledDataStorage lds: data """ for name, regressor in regressors.items(): assert isinstance(regressor, Regressor), "Object {} doesn't implement interface".format(name) AbstractReport.__init__(self, lds=lds, estimators=regressors) def _predict(self, estimator, X): return estimator.predict(X)
[docs] def scatter(self, correlation_pairs, mask=None, marker_size=20, alpha=0.1, grid_columns=2): """ Correlation between pairs of features :param list[tuple] correlation_pairs: pairs of features along which scatter plot will be build. :param mask: mask for data, which will be used :type mask: None or array-like or str or function(pandas.DataFrame) :param int marker_size: size of marker for each event on the plot :param float alpha: blending parameter for scatter :param int grid_columns: count of columns in grid :rtype: plotting.GridPlot """ features = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(correlation_pairs))) _, df, = self._apply_mask(mask, self._get_features(features)) correlation_plots = self._scatter_addition(df, correlation_pairs, marker_size=marker_size, alpha=alpha) return plotting.GridPlot(grid_columns, *correlation_plots)
[docs] def predictions_scatter(self, features=None, mask=None, marker_size=20, alpha=0.1, grid_columns=2): """ Correlation between predictions and features :param features: using features (if None then use classifier's features) :type features: None or list[str] :param mask: mask for data, which will be used :type mask: None or array-like or str or function(pandas.DataFrame) :param int marker_size: size of marker for each event on the plot :param float alpha: blending parameter for scatter :param int grid_columns: count of columns in grid :rtype: plotting.GridPlot """ features = self.common_features if features is None else features mask, df, = self._apply_mask(mask, self._get_features(features)) correlation_plots = [] for name, prediction in self.prediction.items(): correlation_pairs = [(feature, name) for feature in features] df[name] = prediction[mask] correlation_plots += self._scatter_addition(df, correlation_pairs, marker_size=marker_size, alpha=alpha) return plotting.GridPlot(grid_columns, *correlation_plots)
@staticmethod def _scatter_addition(df, correlation_pairs, marker_size=20, alpha=0.1): correlation_plots = [] corr_pairs = OrderedDict() for feature1_c, feature2_c in correlation_pairs: feature1, feature2 = list(get_columns_dict([feature1_c, feature2_c]).keys()) corr_pairs[(feature1, feature2)] = (df[feature1].values, df[feature2].values) plot_fig = plotting.ScatterPlot({'correlation': corr_pairs[(feature1, feature2)]}, alpha=alpha, size=marker_size) plot_fig.xlabel = feature1 plot_fig.ylabel = feature2 plot_fig.figsize = (8, 6) correlation_plots.append(plot_fig) return correlation_plots def _learning_curve_additional(self, name, metric_func, step, mask, predict_only_masked): """Returns values of roc curve for particular classifier, mask and metric function. """ evaled_mask, labels, weight = self._apply_mask(mask,, self.weight) data = self._get_features() if predict_only_masked: _, data = self._apply_mask(mask, data) curve = OrderedDict() stage_values = self.estimators[name].staged_predict(data) for stage, prediction in islice(enumerate(stage_values), step - 1, None, step): if not predict_only_masked: prediction = prediction[evaled_mask] curve[stage] = metric_func(labels, prediction, sample_weight=weight) return list(curve.keys()), list(curve.values())
[docs] def feature_importance_shuffling(self, metric=mean_squared_error, mask=None, grid_columns=2): """ Get features importance using shuffling method (apply random permutation to one particular column) :param metric: function to measure quality function(y_true, y_predicted, sample_weight=None) :param mask: mask which points we should compare on :type mask: None or numbers.Number or array-like or str or function(pandas.DataFrame) :param int grid_columns: number of columns in grid :rtype: plotting.GridPlot """ return self._feature_importance_shuffling(metric=metric, mask=mask, grid_columns=grid_columns)