Source code for


Metric-object API

**REP** introduces several metric functions in specific format.
Metric functions following this format can be used in grid search and reports.

In general case, metrics follow standard sklearn convention for **estimators**, provides

    * constructor (you should create an instance of metric!), all fine-tuning should be done at this step:

    >>> metric = RocAuc(positive_label=2)

    * fitting, where checks and heavy computations performed
      (this step is needed for ranking metrics, uniformity metrics):

    >>>, y, sample_weight=None)

    * computation of metrics by probabilities (important: metric should be computed on exactly same dataset as was used on previous step):

    >>> # in case of classification
    >>> proba = classifier.predict_proba(X)
    >>> metric(y, proba, sample_weight=None)
    >>> # in case of regression
    >>> prediction = regressor.predict(X)
    >>> metric(y, prediction, sample_weight=None)

This way metrics can be used in learning curves, for instance.
Once fitted (and heavy computations done in fitting), then for every stage computation is fast.

Metric-function (convenience) API

Many metric functions do not require complex settings and different precomputing,
 so **REP** also works with functions having following API:

    >>> # for classification
    >>> metric(y, probabilities, sample_weight=None)
    >>> # for regression
    >>> metric(y, predictions, sample_weight=None)

As an example, `mean_squared_error` and `mean_absolute_error` from sklearn can be used in **REP**.

.. seealso::
    `API of metrics <>`_ for details and explanations on API.

Correspondence between physics terms and ML terms

Some notation used below:

    * IsSignal (IsS) --- is really signal
    * AsSignal (AsS) --- classified as signal
    * IsBackgroundAsSignal - background, but classified as signal

... and so on. Cute, right?

There are many ways to denote this things:

    * tpr = s = isSasS / isS
    * fpr = b = isBasS / isB

Here we used normalized s and b, while physicists usually normalize
them to particular values of expected amount of s and b.

    * signal efficiency = s = tpr

the following line used only in HEP

    * background efficiency = b = fpr

Available Metric functions

.. autoclass:: RocAuc

.. autoclass:: LogLoss

.. autoclass:: OptimalAccuracy

.. autoclass:: OptimalAMS

.. autoclass:: OptimalSignificance

.. autoclass:: TPRatFPR

.. autoclass:: FPRatTPR

Supplementary functions

Building blocks that should be useful to create new metrics.

.. autoclass:: MetricMixin

.. autoclass:: OptimalMetric

.. autofunction:: ams

.. autofunction:: significance

.. autoclass:: OptimalMetricNdim

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import numpy
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, roc_curve
from ..utils import check_arrays
from ..utils import check_sample_weight, weighted_quantile
from itertools import product

__author__ = 'Alex Rogozhnikov'

[docs]class MetricMixin(object): """Class with helpful methods for metrics, metrics are expected (but not obliged) to be derived from this mixin. """ def _prepare(self, X, y, sample_weight): """ Preparation :param pandas.DataFrame X: data shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: labels of events - array-like of shape [n_samples] :param sample_weight: weight of events, array-like of shape [n_samples] or None if all weights are equal :return: X, y, sample_weight, indices """ assert len(X) == len(y), 'Lengths are different!' sample_weight = check_sample_weight(y, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.classes_, indices = numpy.unique(y, return_inverse=True) self.probabilities_shape = (len(y), len(self.classes_)) return X, y, sample_weight, indices
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """ Prepare metrics for usage, preprocessing is done in this function. :param pandas.DataFrame X: data shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: labels of events - array-like of shape [n_samples] :param sample_weight: weight of events, array-like of shape [n_samples] or None if all weights are equal :return: self """ return self
[docs]class RocAuc(BaseEstimator, MetricMixin): def __init__(self, positive_label=1): """ Computes area under the ROC curve. General-purpose quality measure for binary classification :param int positive_label: label of class, in case of more then two classes, will compute ROC AUC for this specific class vs others """ self.positive_label = positive_label def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """ Prepare metrics for usage, preprocessing is done in this function. :param pandas.DataFrame X: data shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: labels of events - array-like of shape [n_samples] :param sample_weight: weight of events, array-like of shape [n_samples] or None if all weights are equal :return: self """ X, y, self.sample_weight, _ = self._prepare(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) # computing index of positive label self.positive_index = self.classes_.tolist().index(self.positive_label) self.true_class = (numpy.array(y) == self.positive_label) return self def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight=None): assert numpy.all(self.classes_ < proba.shape[1]), 'passed probabilities not for all classes' return roc_auc_score(self.true_class, proba[:, self.positive_index], sample_weight=self.sample_weight)
[docs]class LogLoss(BaseEstimator, MetricMixin): def __init__(self, regularization=1e-15): """ Log loss, which is the same as minus log-likelihood, and the same as logistic loss, and the same as cross-entropy loss. Appropriate metric if algorithm is optimizing log-likelihood. :param regularization: minimal value for probability, to avoid high (or infinite) penalty for zero probabilities. """ self.regularization = regularization def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """ Prepare metrics for usage, preprocessing is done in this function. :param pandas.DataFrame X: data shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: labels of events - array-like of shape [n_samples] :param sample_weight: weight of events, array-like of shape [n_samples] or None if all weights are equal :return: self """ X, y, sample_weight, self.class_indices = self._prepare(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.sample_weight = sample_weight / sample_weight.sum() self.samples_indices = numpy.arange(len(X)) return self def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight=None): # assert proba.shape == self.probabilities_shape, 'Wrong shape of probabilities' assert numpy.all(self.classes_ < proba.shape[1]), 'number of classes in predictions is greater than expected' correct_probabilities = proba[self.samples_indices, self.class_indices] return - (numpy.log(correct_probabilities + self.regularization) * self.sample_weight).sum()
[docs]class OptimalAccuracy(BaseEstimator, MetricMixin): def __init__(self, sb_ratio=None): """ Estimation of binary classification accuracy for :param sb_ratio: ratio of signal (class 1) and background (class 0). If none, the parameter is estimated from test data. """ self.sb_ratio = sb_ratio def compute(self, y_true, proba, sample_weight=None): """ Compute metric for each possible prediction threshold :param y_true: array-like true labels :param proba: array-like of shape [n_samples, 2] with predicted probabilities :param sample_weight: array-like weight :rtype: tuple(array, array) :return: thresholds and corresponding metric values """ sample_weight = check_sample_weight(y_true, sample_weight=sample_weight) sample_weight = sample_weight.copy() assert numpy.in1d(y_true, [0, 1]).all(), 'labels passed should be 0 and 1' if self.sb_ratio is not None: sample_weight_s = sample_weight[y_true == 1].sum() sample_weight_b = sample_weight[y_true == 0].sum() sample_weight[y_true == 1] *= self.sb_ratio * sample_weight_b / sample_weight_s assert numpy.allclose(self.sb_ratio, sample_weight[y_true == 1].sum() / sample_weight[y_true == 0].sum()) sample_weight /= sample_weight.sum() signal_weight = sample_weight[y_true == 1].sum() bck_weight = sample_weight[y_true == 0].sum() fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y_true == 1, proba[:, 1], sample_weight=sample_weight) accuracy_values = tpr * signal_weight + (1. - fpr) * bck_weight return thresholds, accuracy_values def __call__(self, y_true, proba, sample_weight=None): """ Compute maximal value of accuracy by checking all possible thresholds. :param y_true: array-like true labels :param proba: array-like of shape [n_samples, 2] with predicted probabilities :param sample_weight: array-like weight """ thresholds, accuracy_values = self.compute(y_true, proba, sample_weight) return numpy.max(accuracy_values)
[docs]class OptimalMetric(BaseEstimator, MetricMixin): def __init__(self, metric, expected_s=1., expected_b=1., signal_label=1): """ Class to calculate optimal threshold on predictions for some binary metric. :param function metric: metrics(s, b) -> float :param expected_s: float, total weight of signal :param expected_b: float, total weight of background """ self.metric = metric self.expected_s = expected_s self.expected_b = expected_b self.signal_label = signal_label def compute(self, y_true, proba, sample_weight=None): """ Compute metric for each possible prediction threshold :param y_true: array-like true labels :param proba: array-like of shape [n_samples, 2] with predicted probabilities :param sample_weight: array-like weight :rtype: tuple(array, array) :return: thresholds and corresponding metric values """ y_true, proba, sample_weight = check_arrays(y_true, proba, sample_weight) pred = proba[:, self.signal_label] b, s, thresholds = roc_curve(y_true == self.signal_label, pred, sample_weight=sample_weight) metric_values = self.metric(s * self.expected_s, b * self.expected_b) thresholds = numpy.clip(thresholds, pred.min() - 1e-6, pred.max() + 1e-6) return thresholds, metric_values def plot_vs_cut(self, y_true, proba, sample_weight=None): """ Compute metric for each possible prediction threshold :param y_true: array-like true labels :param proba: array-like of shape [n_samples, 2] with predicted probabilities :param sample_weight: array-like weight :rtype: plotting.FunctionsPlot """ from .. import plotting y_true, proba, sample_weight = check_arrays(y_true, proba, sample_weight) ordered_proba, metrics_val = self.compute(y_true, proba, sample_weight) ind = numpy.argmax(metrics_val) print('Optimal cut=%1.4f, quality=%1.4f' % (ordered_proba[ind], metrics_val[ind])) plot_fig = plotting.FunctionsPlot({self.metric.__name__: (ordered_proba, metrics_val)}) plot_fig.xlabel = 'cut' plot_fig.ylabel = 'metrics ' + self.metric.__name__ return plot_fig def __call__(self, y_true, proba, sample_weight=None): """ proba is predicted probabilities of shape [n_samples, 2] """ thresholds, metrics_val = self.compute(y_true, proba, sample_weight) return numpy.max(metrics_val)
[docs]def significance(s, b): """ Approximate significance of discovery: s / sqrt(b). Here we use normalization, so maximal s and b are equal to 1. :param s: amount of signal passed :param b: amount of background passed """ return s / numpy.sqrt(b + 1e-6)
[docs]class OptimalSignificance(OptimalMetric): """ Optimal values of significance: s / sqrt(b) :param float expected_s: expected amount of signal :param float expected_b: expected amount of background """ def __init__(self, expected_s=1., expected_b=1.): OptimalMetric.__init__(self, metric=significance, expected_s=expected_s, expected_b=expected_b)
[docs]def ams(s, b, br=10.): """ Regularized approximate median significance :param s: amount of signal passed :param b: amount of background passed :param br: regularization """ radicand = 2 * ((s + b + br) * numpy.log(1.0 + s / (b + br)) - s) return numpy.sqrt(radicand)
[docs]class OptimalAMS(OptimalMetric): """ Optimal values of AMS (average median significance) Default values of expected_s and expected_b are from HiggsML challenge. :param float expected_s: expected amount of signal :param float expected_b: expected amount of background """ def __init__(self, expected_s=691.988607712, expected_b=410999.847): OptimalMetric.__init__(self, metric=ams, expected_s=expected_s, expected_b=expected_b)
[docs]class FPRatTPR(BaseEstimator, MetricMixin): def __init__(self, tpr): """Fix TPR value on ROC curve and return corresponding FPR value. :param float tpr: target value true positive rate, from range (0, 1) """ self.tpr = tpr def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight=None): sample_weight = check_sample_weight(y, sample_weight=sample_weight) y, proba, sample_weight = check_arrays(y, proba, sample_weight) threshold = weighted_quantile(proba[y == 1, 1], (1. - self.tpr), sample_weight=sample_weight[y == 1]) return numpy.sum(sample_weight[(y == 0) & (proba[:, 1] >= threshold)]) / sum(sample_weight[y == 0])
[docs]class TPRatFPR(BaseEstimator, MetricMixin): def __init__(self, fpr): """Fix FPR value on ROC curve and return corresponding TPR value. :param float fpr: target value false positive rate, from range (0, 1) """ self.fpr = fpr def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight=None): sample_weight = check_sample_weight(y, sample_weight=sample_weight) y, proba, sample_weight = check_arrays(y, proba, sample_weight) threshold = weighted_quantile(proba[y == 0, 1], (1 - self.fpr), sample_weight=sample_weight[y == 0]) return numpy.sum(sample_weight[(y == 1) & (proba[:, 1] > threshold)]) / sum(sample_weight[y == 1])
[docs]class OptimalMetricNdim(BaseEstimator): """ Class to calculate optimal thresholds on predictions of several classifier (prediction_1, prediction_2, .. prediction_n) simultaneously to maximize some binary metric. This metric differs from :class:`OptimalMetric` :param function metric: metrics(s, b) -> float, binary metric :param expected_s: float, total weight of signal :param expected_b: float, total weight of background :param int step: step in sorted array of predictions for each dimension to choose thresholds >>> proba1 = classifier1.predict_proba(X)[:, 1] >>> proba2 = classifier2.predict_proba(X)[:, 1] >>> optimal_ndim = OptimalMetricNdim(ams) >>> optimal_ndim(y, sample_weight, proba1, proba2) >>> # returns optimal AUC and thresholds for proba1 and proba2 >>> 0.99, (0.88, 0.45) """ def __init__(self, metric, expected_s=1., expected_b=1., step=10): self.metric = metric self.expected_s = expected_s self.expected_b = expected_b self.step = step def __call__(self, y_true, sample_weight, *arrays): """ Compute metric for each possible predictions thresholds :param y_true: array-like true labels :param sample_weight: array-like weight :param arrays: sequence of different predictions of shape [n_samples] :rtype: tuple(array, array) :return: optimal metric value and corresponding thresholds for each dimension """ all_data = check_arrays(y_true, sample_weight, *arrays) y_true, sample_weight, variables = all_data[0], all_data[1], all_data[2:] if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = numpy.ones(len(y_true)) sample_weight = numpy.copy(sample_weight) sample_weight[y_true == 0] /= numpy.sum(sample_weight[y_true == 0]) / self.expected_b sample_weight[y_true == 1] /= numpy.sum(sample_weight[y_true == 1]) / self.expected_s thresholds = [] for array in variables[:-1]: thr = numpy.sort(array) thresholds.append(thr[::self.step]) optimal_metric_value = None optimal_threshold = None dim_last_pred = variables[-1] indices = numpy.argsort(dim_last_pred)[::-1] sorted_last_pred = dim_last_pred[indices] sorted_y = y_true[indices] sorted_weights = sample_weight[indices] sorted_pred = numpy.array(variables)[:, indices] for threshold in product(*thresholds): mask = numpy.ones(len(y_true), dtype=bool) for t, arr in zip(threshold, sorted_pred): mask *= arr >= t s = numpy.cumsum(sorted_y * sorted_weights * mask) b = numpy.cumsum((1 - sorted_y) * sorted_weights * mask) metric_values = self.metric(s, b) ind_optimal = numpy.argmax(metric_values) if (optimal_metric_value is None) or (optimal_metric_value < metric_values[ind_optimal]): optimal_metric_value = metric_values[ind_optimal] optimal_threshold = list(threshold) + [sorted_last_pred[ind_optimal]] return optimal_metric_value, optimal_threshold