Source code for rep.plotting

There are different plotting backends supported:

    * *matplotlib* (default, de-facto standard plotting library in python),
    * *ROOT* (the library used by CERN people),
    * *bokeh* (open-source package with interactive plots)

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import itertools
from IPython import get_ipython

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import tempfile
from IPython.core import display

COLOR_ARRAY = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'cyan', 'MediumVioletRed', 'k', 'navy', 'lime', 'CornflowerBlue',
               "coral", 'DeepPink', 'LightBlue', 'yellow', 'Purple', 'YellowGreen', 'magenta']
COLOR_ARRAY_BOKEH = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'cyan']
COLOR_ARRAY_TMVA = range(2, 10)
    '#75968f', '#a5bab7', '#c9d9d3', '#e2e2e2', '#dfccce',
    '#ddb7b1', '#cc7878', '#933b41', '#550b1d'

_COLOR_CYCLE = itertools.cycle(COLOR_ARRAY)

__author__ = 'Tatiana Likhomanenko'

[docs]class AbstractPlot(object): """ Abstract class for possible plot objects, which implements plot function. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): self.BOKEH_RESIZE = 50 self.TMVA_RESIZE = 80 self.xlim = None self.ylim = None self.xlabel = "" self.ylabel = "" self.title = "" self.figsize = (13, 7) self.fontsize = 14 self.new_plot = False self.canvas = None self._tmva_keeper = [] @abstractmethod def _plot(self): pass @abstractmethod def _plot_tmva(self): pass @abstractmethod def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): pass def _repr_html_(self): """Representation for IPython""" self.plot() return ""
[docs] def plot(self, new_plot=False, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, figsize=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, fontsize=None, show_legend=True, grid=True): """ Plot data using matplotlib library. Use show() method for matplotlib to see result or :: %matplotlib inline in IPython to see plot as cell output. :param bool new_plot: create or not new figure :param xlim: x-axis range :param ylim: y-axis range :type xlim: None or tuple(x_min, x_max) :type ylim: None or tuple(y_min, y_max) :param title: title :type title: None or str :param figsize: figure size :type figsize: None or tuple(weight, height) :param xlabel: x-axis name :type xlabel: None or str :param ylabel: y-axis name :type ylabel: None or str :param fontsize: font size :type fontsize: None or int :param bool show_legend: show or not labels for plots :param bool grid: show grid or not """ xlabel = self.xlabel if xlabel is None else xlabel ylabel = self.ylabel if ylabel is None else ylabel figsize = self.figsize if figsize is None else figsize fontsize = self.fontsize if fontsize is None else fontsize self.fontsize_ = fontsize self.show_legend_ = show_legend title = self.title if title is None else title xlim = self.xlim if xlim is None else xlim ylim = self.ylim if ylim is None else ylim new_plot = self.new_plot or new_plot if new_plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize) plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=fontsize) plt.grid(grid) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) self._plot() if show_legend: plt.legend(loc='best', scatterpoints=1)
[docs] def plot_bokeh(self, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, figsize=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, fontsize=None, show_legend=True):
""" Plot data using bokeh library. Use show() method for bokeh to see result. :param xlim: x-axis range :param ylim: y-axis range :type xlim: None or tuple(x_min, x_max) :type ylim: None or tuple(y_min, y_max) :param title: title :type title: None or str :param figsize: figure size :type figsize: None or tuple(weight, height) :param xlabel: x-axis name :type xlabel: None or str :param ylabel: y-axis name :type ylabel: None or str :param fontsize: font size :type fontsize: None or int :param bool show_legend: show or not labels for plots """ global _COLOR_CYCLE_BOKEH global _BOKEH_OUTPUT_NOTEBOOK_ACTIVATED import bokeh.plotting as bkh from bokeh.models import Range1d from import value figsize = self.figsize if figsize is None else figsize xlabel = self.xlabel if xlabel is None else xlabel ylabel = self.ylabel if ylabel is None else ylabel title = self.title if title is None else title xlim = self.xlim if xlim is None else xlim ylim = self.ylim if ylim is None else ylim fontsize = self.fontsize if fontsize is None else fontsize self.fontsize_ = fontsize self.show_legend_ = show_legend figsize = (figsize[0] * self.BOKEH_RESIZE, figsize[1] * self.BOKEH_RESIZE) if not _BOKEH_OUTPUT_NOTEBOOK_ACTIVATED: bkh.output_notebook() _BOKEH_OUTPUT_NOTEBOOK_ACTIVATED = True current_plot = bkh.figure(title=title, plot_width=figsize[0], plot_height=figsize[1]) _COLOR_CYCLE_BOKEH = itertools.cycle(COLOR_ARRAY_BOKEH) if xlim is not None: current_plot.x_range = Range1d(start=xlim[0], end=xlim[1]) if ylim is not None: current_plot.y_range = Range1d(start=ylim[0], end=ylim[1]) current_plot.title_text_font_size = value("{}pt".format(fontsize)) current_plot.xaxis.axis_label = xlabel current_plot.yaxis.axis_label = ylabel current_plot.legend.orientation = 'top_right' current_plot = self._plot_bokeh(current_plot, show_legend)
[docs] def plot_tmva(self, new_plot=False, style_file=None, figsize=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, show_legend=True): """ Plot data using tmva library. :param bool new_plot: create or not new figure :param style_file: tmva styles configuring file :type style_file: None or str :param xlim: x-axis range :param ylim: y-axis range :type xlim: None or tuple(x_min, x_max) :type ylim: None or tuple(y_min, y_max) :param title: title :type title: None or str :param figsize: figure size :type figsize: None or tuple(weight, height) :param xlabel: x-axis name :type xlabel: None or str :param ylabel: y-axis name :type ylabel: None or str :param bool show_legend: show or not labels for plots """ import ROOT global _COLOR_CYCLE_TMVA self._tmva_keeper = [] xlabel = self.xlabel if xlabel is None else xlabel ylabel = self.ylabel if ylabel is None else ylabel figsize = self.figsize if figsize is None else figsize title = self.title if title is None else title xlim = self.xlim if xlim is None else xlim ylim = self.ylim if ylim is None else ylim if new_plot or self.canvas is None: _COLOR_CYCLE_TMVA = itertools.cycle(COLOR_ARRAY_TMVA) t = numpy.random.randint(low=100, high=100000) figsize = (figsize[0] * self.TMVA_RESIZE, figsize[1] * self.TMVA_RESIZE) self.canvas = canvas("canvas{}".format(t), figsize) if style_file is not None: ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro(style_file) else: self.canvas.SetFillColor(0) self.canvas.SetGrid() self.canvas.GetFrame().SetFillColor(21) self.canvas.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(12) graph, leg = self._plot_tmva() graph.SetTitle(title) graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel) if xlim is not None: graph.GetXaxis().SetLimits(xlim[0], xlim[1]) graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ylabel) if ylim is not None: graph.SetMinimum(ylim[0]) graph.SetMaximum(ylim[1]) if show_legend: leg.Draw() self._tmva_keeper.append((graph, leg)) return self.canvas
[docs]class GridPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, columns=3, *plots): """ Implements grid of plots (set of plots organized in a grid). :param int columns: count of columns in grid :param list[AbstractPlot] plots: plot objects """ super(GridPlot, self).__init__() self.plots = plots self.columns = columns self.rows = (len(plots) + self.columns - 1) // self.columns width = max([elem.figsize[0] for elem in self.plots]) height = max([elem.figsize[1] for elem in self.plots]) self.figsize = (self.columns * width, self.rows * height) self.one_figsize = (width, height) self.new_plot = True def _plot(self): for i, plotter in enumerate(self.plots): plt.subplot(self.rows, self.columns, i + 1) plotter.plot(fontsize=self.fontsize_, show_legend=self.show_legend_) def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): from bokeh import models import bokeh.plotting as bkh from import value lst = [] row_lst = [] for plotter in self.plots: cur_plot = bkh.figure(title=plotter.title, plot_width=self.one_figsize[0] * self.BOKEH_RESIZE, plot_height=self.one_figsize[1] * self.BOKEH_RESIZE) if plotter.xlim is not None: cur_plot.x_range = models.Range1d(start=plotter.xlim[0], end=plotter.xlim[1]) if plotter.ylim is not None: cur_plot.y_range = models.Range1d(start=plotter.ylim[0], end=plotter.ylim[1]) cur_plot.title_text_font_size = value("{}pt".format(plotter.fontsize)) cur_plot.xaxis.axis_label = plotter.xlabel cur_plot.yaxis.axis_label = plotter.ylabel cur_plot.legend.orientation = 'top_right' cur_plot = plotter._plot_bokeh(cur_plot, show_legend=show_legend) if len(row_lst) >= self.columns: lst.append(row_lst) row_lst = [] row_lst.append(cur_plot) if len(row_lst) > 0: lst.append(row_lst) grid = models.GridPlot(children=lst) return grid def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA")
[docs]class HStackPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, *plots): """ Horizontal stack of plots. :param list[AbstractPlot] plots: plot objects """ super(HStackPlot, self).__init__() self.plots = plots width = sum([elem.figsize[0] for elem in self.plots]) height = max([elem.figsize[1] for elem in self.plots]) self.figsize = (width, height) self.new_plot = True def _plot(self): for i, plotter in enumerate(self.plots): plt.subplot(1, len(self.plots), i + 1) plotter.plot(fontsize=self.fontsize_, show_legend=self.show_legend_) def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): obj = GridPlot(len(self.plots), *self.plots) return obj._plot_bokeh(current_plot, show_legend=show_legend)
[docs]class VStackPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, *plots): """ Implements vertical stack plots :param list[AbstractPlot] plots: plot objects """ super(VStackPlot, self).__init__() self.plots = plots def _plot(self): for i, plotter in enumerate(self.plots): plt.subplot(len(self.plots), 1, i + 1) plotter.plot(fontsize=self.fontsize_, show_legend=self.show_legend_) def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): obj = GridPlot(1, *self.plots) return obj._plot_bokeh(current_plot, show_legend=show_legend)
[docs]class ErrorPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, errors, size=2, log=False): """ Implements error bars plots :param errors: name - x points, y points, y errors, x errors :type errors: dict[str, tuple(array, array, array, array)] :param int size: size of scatters :param bool log: logarithm scaling """ super(ErrorPlot, self).__init__() self.errors = errors self.size = size self.log = log def _plot(self): for name, val in self.errors.items(): x, y, y_err, x_err = val y_err_mod = y_err if self.log: y_mod = numpy.log(y) if y_err is not None: y_err_mod = numpy.log(y + y_err) - y_mod else: y_mod = y err_bar = plt.errorbar(x, y_mod, yerr=y_err_mod, xerr=x_err, label=name, fmt='o', ms=self.size) err_bar[0].set_label('_nolegend_') def _plot_tmva(self): import ROOT multigraph = ROOT.TMultiGraph() legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4) for name, val in self.errors.items(): color = next(_COLOR_CYCLE_TMVA) x, y, yerr, xerr = val gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(x), numpy.array(x), numpy.array(y), numpy.array(xerr), numpy.array(yerr)) gr.SetDrawOption("AP") gr.SetMarkerColor(color) gr.SetMarkerStyle(1) gr.SetFillStyle(0) gr.SetLineColor(color) gr.SetLineWidth(0) multigraph.Add(gr) legend.AddEntry(gr, name) multigraph.Draw("AP") return multigraph, legend def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by bokeh")
[docs]class FunctionsPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, functions): """ Implements 1d-function plots :param functions: dict which maps label of curve to x, y coordinates of points :type functions: dict[str, tuple(array, array)] """ super(FunctionsPlot, self).__init__() self.functions = functions def _plot(self): for name, data_xy in self.functions.items(): x_val, y_val = data_xy plt.plot(x_val, y_val, linewidth=2, label=name) def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): for name, data_xy in self.functions.items(): color = next(_COLOR_CYCLE_BOKEH) x_val, y_val = data_xy legend_name = None if show_legend: legend_name = name current_plot.line(x_val, y_val, line_width=2, legend=legend_name, color=color) return current_plot def _plot_tmva(self): import ROOT multigraph = ROOT.TMultiGraph() legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4) for name, data_xy in self.functions.items(): color = next(_COLOR_CYCLE_TMVA) x_val, y_val = data_xy gr = ROOT.TGraph(len(x_val), numpy.array(x_val), numpy.array(y_val)) gr.SetTitle(name) gr.SetMarkerColor(color) gr.SetMarkerStyle(2) gr.SetDrawOption("APL") gr.SetLineColor(color) gr.SetLineWidth(1) gr.SetFillStyle(0) multigraph.Add(gr) legend.AddEntry(gr, name, "L") multigraph.Draw("AC") return multigraph, legend
[docs]class ColorMap(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, matrix, labels=None, cmap='jet', vmin=-1, vmax=1): """ Implements color map plots :param numpy.ndarray matrix: matrix :param labels: names for each matrix-row :type labels: None or list[str] :param str cmap: color map name :param float vmin: min value for color map :param float vmax: max value for color map """ super(ColorMap, self).__init__() self.matrix = matrix self.labels = labels if labels is not None else range(matrix.shape[0]) self.cmap = cmap self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax def _plot(self): p = plt.pcolor(self.matrix, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax) plt.colorbar(p) plt.xlim((0, self.matrix.shape[0])) plt.ylim((0, self.matrix.shape[1])) if self.labels is not None: plt.xticks(numpy.arange(0.5, len(self.labels) + 0.5), self.labels, fontsize=self.fontsize, rotation=90) plt.yticks(numpy.arange(0.5, len(self.labels) + 0.5), self.labels, fontsize=self.fontsize) def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): from import HoverTool from collections import OrderedDict from bokeh.models.ranges import FactorRange import bokeh.plotting as bkh value_lst = self.matrix.flatten() min_el = min(value_lst) vmax = float(max(value_lst) - min_el) color_lst = [BOKEH_CMAP[int((v - min_el) / vmax * (len(BOKEH_CMAP) - 1))] \ for v in value_lst] source = bkh.ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=self.labels * self.matrix.shape[0], y=numpy.array([[i] * self.matrix.shape[1] for i in self.labels]).flatten(), color=color_lst, value=value_lst, ) ) # current_plot._below = [] current_plot.x_range = FactorRange(factors=self.labels) current_plot.y_range = FactorRange(factors=self.labels) # current_plot._left = [] # current_plot.extra_y_ranges = {"foo": bkh.FactorRange(factors=self.labels)} # current_plot.add_layout(CategoricalAxis(y_range_name="foo"), place='left') # current_plot.extra_x_ranges = {"foo": bkh.FactorRange(factors=self.labels)} # current_plot.add_layout(CategoricalAxis(x_range_name="foo"), place='top') current_plot.rect('x', 'y', 0.98, 0.98, source=source, color='color', line_color=None) current_plot.grid.grid_line_color = None current_plot.axis.axis_line_color = None current_plot.axis.major_tick_line_color = None hover = if not hover: hover = HoverTool(plot=current_plot) hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ('labels', '@x @y'), ('value', '@value') ]) return current_plot
[docs]class ScatterPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, scatters, alpha=0.1, size=20): """ Implements scatters plots :param scatters: name - x points, y points :type scatters: dict[str, tuple(array, array)] :param int size: scatters size :param float alpha: transparency """ super(ScatterPlot, self).__init__() self.scatters = scatters self.alpha = alpha self.size = size def _plot(self): sum_elements = sum([len(scatter[0]) for scatter in self.scatters.values()]) for name, scatter in self.scatters.items(): alpha_normed = min(float(self.alpha) / len(scatter[0]) * sum_elements, 1.) plt.scatter(scatter[0], scatter[1], s=self.size, c=next(_COLOR_CYCLE), alpha=alpha_normed, label=name) def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): for i, (name, scatter) in enumerate(self.scatters.items()): color = next(_COLOR_CYCLE_BOKEH) x_val, y_val = scatter legend_name = None if show_legend: legend_name = name current_plot.scatter(x_val, y_val, size=self.size // 5, alpha=self.alpha, legend=legend_name, color=color) return current_plot
[docs]class BarPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, data, bins=30, normalization=True, value_range=None): """ Implements bar plots :param data: name - value, weight, style ('filled', another) :type data: dict[str, tuple(array, array, str)] :param bins: bins for histogram :type bins: int or list[float] :param bool normalization: normalize to pdf histogram or not :param value_range: min and max values :type value_range: None or tuple """ super(BarPlot, self).__init__() = data self.bins = bins self.normalization = normalization self.value_range = value_range def _plot(self): for label, sample in color = next(_COLOR_CYCLE) prediction, weight, style = sample if self.value_range is None: c_min, c_max = numpy.min(prediction), numpy.max(prediction) else: c_min, c_max = self.value_range histo = numpy.histogram(prediction, bins=self.bins, range=(c_min, c_max), weights=weight) norm = 1.0 if self.normalization: norm = float(self.bins) / (c_max - c_min) / sum(weight) bin_edges = histo[1] bin_centers = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2. bin_widths = (bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1]) yerr = [] for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1): weight_bin = weight[(prediction > bin_edges[i]) * (prediction <= bin_edges[i + 1])] yerr.append(numpy.sqrt(sum(weight_bin * weight_bin)) * norm) if style == 'filled': - bin_widths / 2., numpy.array(histo[0]) * norm, facecolor=color, linewidth=0, width=bin_widths, label=label, alpha=0.5) else: - bin_widths / 2., norm * numpy.array(histo[0]), edgecolor=color, color=color, ecolor=color, linewidth=1, width=bin_widths, label=label, alpha=0.5, hatch="/", fill=False) def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by bokeh")
[docs]class BarComparePlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, data, alpha=0.5, sortby=None, step=5): """ Implements bar plots :param data: :type data: dict[str, dict(str, float)] :param float alpha: opacity :param sortby: sort bars by this data key :type sortby: None or str :param int step: length """ super(BarComparePlot, self).__init__() = data self.alpha = alpha self.sortby = sortby self.step = step def _plot(self): length = len( + self.step if self.sortby is not None: inds = numpy.argsort(list([self.sortby].values()))[::-1] else: inds = numpy.array(range(len([list([0]]))) xticks_labels = numpy.array(list([list([0]].keys()))[inds] for move, (label, sample) in enumerate( color = next(_COLOR_CYCLE) index = numpy.arange(len(sample)) * index + move, numpy.array(list(sample.values()))[inds], 1., alpha=self.alpha, color=color, label=label) plt.xticks(length * numpy.arange(len(inds)), xticks_labels, rotation=90) def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): length = len( + self.step if self.sortby is not None: inds = numpy.argsort(list([self.sortby].values()))[::-1] else: inds = numpy.array(range(len([list([0]]))) # xticks_labels = numpy.array(list([list([0]].keys()))[inds] for move, (label, sample) in enumerate( color = next(_COLOR_CYCLE_BOKEH) index = numpy.arange(len(sample)) legend_name = None if show_legend: legend_name = label current_plot.rect(x=length * index + move, y=numpy.array(list(sample.values()))[inds] / 2, height=numpy.array(list(sample.values()))[inds], width=1., alpha=self.alpha, color=color, legend=legend_name) return current_plot
[docs]class Function2D_Plot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, function, xlim, ylim, xsteps=100, ysteps=100, cmap='Blues', vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Implements 2d-functions plots :param function function: vector function (X, Y) :param tuple(float, float) xlim: x ranges :param tuple(float, float) ylim: y ranges :param int xsteps: count of points for approximation on x-axis :param int ysteps: count of points for approximation on y-axis :param str cmap: color map :param float vmin: value, corresponding to minimum on cmap :param float vmax: value, corresponding to maximum on cmap """ super(Function2D_Plot, self).__init__() x = numpy.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], xsteps) y = numpy.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], ysteps) self.xlim = xlim self.ylim = ylim self.x, self.y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y) self.z = function(self.x, self.y) self.cmap = cmap self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax def _plot(self): colormap = plt.pcolor(self.x, self.y, self.z, cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax) cb = plt.colorbar(colormap) cb.set_label('value') def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for bokeh")
[docs]class Histogram2D_Plot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, data, bins=30, cmap='Blues', cmin=None, cmax=None, range=None, normed=False): """ Implements correlations plots :param (array, array) data: name var, name var - values for first, values for second :param bins: count of bins :type bins: int or list[float] :param str cmap: color map :param float cmin: value, corresponding to minimum on cmap :param float cmax: value, corresponding to maximum on cmap :param bool normed: normalize histogram :param range: array_like shape(2, 2), optional, default: None [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]. All values outside of this range will be considered outliers and not tallied in the histogram. """ super(Histogram2D_Plot, self).__init__() = data self.binsX, self.binsY = (bins, bins) if isinstance(bins, int) else bins self.cmap = cmap self.vmin = cmin self.vmax = cmax self.range = range self.normed = normed def _plot(self): X, Y = _, _, _, colormap = plt.hist2d(X, Y, bins=(self.binsX, self.binsY), range=self.range, normed=self.normed, cmin=self.vmin, cmax=self.vmax, cmap=self.cmap) cb = plt.colorbar(colormap) cb.set_label('value') def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by bokeh")
[docs]class CorrelationPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, data, bins=30): """ Implements correlations plots :param (array, array) data: values for first, values for second :param bins: count of bins :type bins: int or list[float] """ super(CorrelationPlot, self).__init__() = data self.bins = bins def _plot(self): (binsX, binsY) = (self.bins, self.bins) if isinstance(self.bins, int) else self.bins X, Y = H, ex, ey = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=(binsX, binsY)) x_center = numpy.diff(ex) / 2 + ex[0:-1] x_digit = numpy.digitize(X, ex) y_center = numpy.empty(binsY) y_std = numpy.empty(binsY) for i in range(binsX): y_pop = Y[numpy.where(x_digit == i + 1)[0]] y_center[i] = numpy.mean(y_pop) y_std[i] = numpy.std(y_pop) plt.errorbar(x_center, y_center, y_std) plt.xlim(ex[0], ex[-1]) def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by bokeh")
[docs]class CorrelationMapPlot(AbstractPlot): def __init__(self, data, bins=30): """ Implements correlations map plots :param (array, array) data: name var, name var - values for first, values for second :param bins: count of bins :type bins: int or list[float] """ super(CorrelationMapPlot, self).__init__() = data self.bins = bins def _plot(self): (bins_x, bins_y) = (self.bins, self.bins) if isinstance(self.bins, int) else self.bins X, Y = H, ex, ey = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=(bins_x, bins_y)) x_center = numpy.diff(ex) / 2 + ex[0:-1] x_digit = numpy.digitize(X, ex) y_center = numpy.empty(bins_y) y_std = numpy.empty(bins_y) for i in range(bins_x): y_pop = Y[numpy.where(x_digit == i + 1)[0]] y_center[i] = numpy.mean(y_pop) y_std[i] = numpy.std(y_pop) plt.hexbin(X, Y, bins='log') plt.errorbar(x_center, y_center, y_std, fmt='r-') cb = plt.colorbar() plt.xlim(ex[0], ex[-1]) cb.set_label('log10(N)') def _plot_tmva(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for TMVA") def _plot_bokeh(self, current_plot, show_legend=True): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by bokeh")
""" Helper module for displaying ROOT canvases in ipython notebooks Usage example: canvas1 = default_canvas() sinc_function = TF1( 'fun1', 'abs(sin(x)/x)', 0, 10) canvas1.SetGridx() canvas1.SetGridy() sinc_function.Draw() canvas1 @author @author @date 2013-08-09 """
[docs]def canvas(name="canvas1", size=(800, 600)): """ Helper method for creating canvas If canvas with this name already exists, it will be returned """ import ROOT # Check if canvas already exists canvas = ROOT.gROOT.FindObject(name) if canvas: return canvas else: width, height = size return ROOT.TCanvas(name, name, width, height)
def _display_canvas(canvas): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") as file_png: canvas.SaveAs( ip_img = display.Image(, format='png', embed=True) return ip_img._repr_png_() try: import ROOT ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() # register display function with PNG formatter: png_formatter = get_ipython().display_formatter.formatters['image/png'] png_formatter.for_type(ROOT.TCanvas, _display_canvas) except: pass