Source code for rep.metaml.folding

:class:`FoldingClassifier` and :class:`FoldingRegressor` provide an easy way
to run k-Folding cross-validation. Also it is a nice way to combine predictions of trained classifiers.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import numpy
import pandas
from six.moves import zip

from sklearn import clone
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from . import utils
from .factory import train_estimator
from ..estimators.interface import Classifier, Regressor
from ..estimators.utils import check_inputs

__author__ = 'Tatiana Likhomanenko, Alex Rogozhnikov'
__all__ = ['FoldingClassifier', 'FoldingRegressor']

from .utils import get_classifier_probabilities, get_classifier_staged_proba, get_regressor_prediction, \

class FoldingBase(object):
    This meta-{estimator} implements folding algorithm:

    * split training data into n equal parts;
    * train n {estimator}s, each one is trained using n-1 folds

    To get unbiased predictions for data, pass the **same** dataset (with same order of events)
    as in training to prediction methods,
    in which case each event is predicted with base {estimator} which didn't use that event during training.

    To use information from not one, but several estimators during predictions,
    provide appropriate voting function. Examples of voting function:

    >>> voting = lambda x: numpy.mean(x, axis=0)
    >>> voting = lambda x: numpy.median(x, axis=0)

    def __init__(self,

        :param sklearn.BaseEstimator base_estimator: base classifier, which will be used for training
        :param int n_folds: count of folds
        :param features: features used in training
        :type features: None or list[str]
        :param parallel_profile: profile for IPython cluster, None to compute locally.
        :type parallel_profile: None or str
        :param random_state: random state for reproducibility
        :type random_state: None or int or RandomState
        self.estimators = []
        self.parallel_profile = parallel_profile
        self.n_folds = n_folds
        self.base_estimator = base_estimator
        self._folds_indices = None
        self.random_state = random_state
        self._random_number = None
        # setting features directly
        self.features = features

    def _get_folds_column(self, length):
        Return special column with indices of folds for all events.
        if self._random_number is None:
            self._random_number = check_random_state(self.random_state).randint(0, 100000)
        folds_column = numpy.zeros(length)
        for fold_number, (_, folds_indices) in enumerate(
                KFold(length, self.n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=self._random_number)):
            folds_column[folds_indices] = fold_number
        return folds_column

    def _prepare_data(self, X, y, sample_weight):
        raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented in descendant')

    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
        Train the model, will train several base {estimator}s on overlapping
        subsets of training dataset.

        :param X: pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features]
        :param y: labels of events - array-like of shape [n_samples]
        :param sample_weight: weight of events,
               array-like of shape [n_samples] or None if all weights are equal
        if hasattr(self.base_estimator, 'features'):
            assert self.base_estimator.features is None, \
                'Base estimator must have None features! Use features parameter in Folding instead'
        self.train_length = len(X)
        X, y, sample_weight = self._prepare_data(X, y, sample_weight)

        folds_column = self._get_folds_column(len(X))

        for _ in range(self.n_folds):

        if sample_weight is None:
            weights_iterator = [None] * self.n_folds
            weights_iterator = (sample_weight[folds_column != index] for index in range(self.n_folds))

        result = utils.map_on_cluster(self.parallel_profile, train_estimator,
                                      (X.iloc[folds_column != index, :].copy() for index in range(self.n_folds)),
                                      (y[folds_column != index] for index in range(self.n_folds)),
        for status, data in result:
            if status == 'success':
                name, classifier, spent_time = data
                self.estimators[name] = classifier
                print('Problem while training on the node, report:\n', data)
        return self

    def _folding_prediction(self, X, prediction_function, vote_function=None):
        Supplementary function to predict (labels, probabilities, values)
        :param X: dataset to predict
        :param prediction_function: function(classifier, X) -> prediction
        :param vote_function: if using averaging over predictions of folds, this function shall be passed.
            For instance: lambda x: numpy.mean(x, axis=0), which means averaging result over all folds.
            Another useful option is lambda x: numpy.median(x, axis=0)
        X = self._get_features(X)
        if vote_function is not None:
            print('KFold prediction with voting function')
            results = []
            for estimator in self.estimators:
                results.append(prediction_function(estimator, X))
            # results: [n_classifiers, n_samples, n_dimensions], reduction over 0th axis
            results = numpy.array(results)
            return vote_function(results)
            if len(X) != self.train_length:
                print('KFold prediction using random classifier (length of data passed not equal to length of train)')
                print('KFold prediction using folds column')
            folds_column = self._get_folds_column(len(X))
            parts = []
            for fold in range(self.n_folds):
                parts.append(prediction_function(self.estimators[fold], X.iloc[folds_column == fold, :]))

            result_shape = [len(X)] + list(numpy.shape(parts[0])[1:])
            results = numpy.zeros(shape=result_shape)
            folds_indices = [numpy.where(folds_column == fold)[0] for fold in range(self.n_folds)]
            for fold, part in enumerate(parts):
                results[folds_indices[fold]] = part
            return results

    def _staged_folding_prediction(self, X, prediction_function, vote_function=None):
        X = self._get_features(X)
        if vote_function is not None:
            print('Using voting KFold prediction')
            iterators = [prediction_function(estimator, X) for estimator in self.estimators]
            for fold_prob in zip(*iterators):
                result = numpy.array(fold_prob)
                yield vote_function(result)
            if len(X) != self.train_length:
                print('KFold prediction using random classifier (length of data passed not equal to length of train)')
                print('KFold prediction using folds column')
            folds_column = self._get_folds_column(len(X))
            iterators = [prediction_function(self.estimators[fold], X.iloc[folds_column == fold, :])
                         for fold in range(self.n_folds)]
            folds_indices = [numpy.where(folds_column == fold)[0] for fold in range(self.n_folds)]
            for stage_results in zip(*iterators):
                result_shape = [len(X)] + list(numpy.shape(stage_results[0])[1:])
                result = numpy.zeros(result_shape)
                for fold in range(self.n_folds):
                    result[folds_indices[fold]] = stage_results[fold]
                yield result

    def _get_feature_importances(self):
        Get features importance

        :return: pandas.DataFrame with column effect and `index=features`
        importances = numpy.sum([est.feature_importances_ for est in self.estimators], axis=0)
        # to get train_features, not features
        one_importances = self.estimators[0].get_feature_importances()
        return pandas.DataFrame({'effect': importances / numpy.max(importances)}, index=one_importances.index)

[docs]class FoldingRegressor(FoldingBase, Regressor):
# inherit documentation __doc__ = FoldingBase.__doc__.format(estimator='regressor') def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): return, X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) fit.__doc__ ='regressor') def _prepare_data(self, X, y, sample_weight): X = self._get_features(X) y_shape = numpy.shape(y) self.n_outputs_ = 1 if len(y_shape) < 2 else y_shape[1] return check_inputs(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, allow_multiple_targets=True) def predict(self, X, vote_function=None): """ Get predictions. To get unbiased predictions on training dataset, pass training data (with same order of events) and vote_function=None. :param X: pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param vote_function: function to combine prediction of folds' estimators. If None then folding scheme is used. Parameters: numpy.ndarray [n_classifiers, n_samples] :type vote_function: None or function :rtype: numpy.array of shape [n_samples, n_outputs] """ return self._folding_prediction(X, prediction_function=get_regressor_prediction, vote_function=vote_function) def staged_predict(self, X, vote_function=None): """ Get predictions after each iteration of base estimator. To get unbiased predictions on training dataset, pass training data (with same order of events) and vote_function=None. :param X: pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param vote_function: function to combine prediction of folds' estimators. If None then folding scheme is used. Parameters: numpy.ndarray [n_classifiers, n_samples] :type vote_function: None or function :rtype: sequence of numpy.array of shape [n_samples, n_outputs] """ return self._staged_folding_prediction(X, prediction_function=get_regressor_staged_predict, vote_function=vote_function) def get_feature_importances(self): """ Get features importance :rtype: pandas.DataFrame with column effect and `index=features` """ return self._get_feature_importances() @property def feature_importances_(self): """Sklearn-way of returning feature importance. This returned as numpy.array, assuming that initially passed train_features=None """ return self.get_feature_importances().ix[self.features, 'effect'].values
[docs]class FoldingClassifier(FoldingBase, Classifier):
# inherit documentation __doc__ = FoldingBase.__doc__.format(estimator='classifier') def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): return, X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) fit.__doc__ ='classifier') def _prepare_data(self, X, y, sample_weight): X = self._get_features(X) self._set_classes(y) return check_inputs(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, allow_multiple_targets=True) def predict(self, X, vote_function=None): """ Predict labels. To get unbiased predictions on training dataset, pass training data (with same order of events) and vote_function=None. :param X: pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param vote_function: function to combine prediction of folds' estimators. If None then folding scheme is used. :type vote_function: None or function :rtype: numpy.array of shape [n_samples] """ return numpy.argmax(self.predict_proba(X, vote_function=vote_function), axis=1) def predict_proba(self, X, vote_function=None): """ Predict probabilities. To get unbiased predictions on training dataset, pass training data (with same order of events) and vote_function=None. :param X: pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param vote_function: function to combine prediction of folds' estimators. If None then folding scheme is used. :type vote_function: None or function :rtype: numpy.array of shape [n_samples, n_classes] """ result = self._folding_prediction(X, prediction_function=get_classifier_probabilities, vote_function=vote_function) return result / numpy.sum(result, axis=1, keepdims=True) def staged_predict_proba(self, X, vote_function=None): """ Predict probabilities after each stage of base_estimator. To get unbiased predictions on training dataset, pass training data (with same order of events) and vote_function=None. :param X: pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param vote_function: function to combine prediction of folds' estimators. If None then folding scheme is used. :type vote_function: None or function :rtype: sequence of numpy.arrays of shape [n_samples, n_classes] """ for proba in self._staged_folding_prediction(X, prediction_function=get_classifier_staged_proba, vote_function=vote_function): yield proba / numpy.sum(proba, axis=1, keepdims=True) def get_feature_importances(self): """ Get features importance :rtype: pandas.DataFrame with column effect and `index=features` """ return self._get_feature_importances() @property def feature_importances_(self): """Sklearn-way of returning feature importance. This returned as numpy.array, assuming that initially passed train_features=None """ return self.get_feature_importances().ix[self.features, 'effect'].values