Source code for rep.estimators.theanets

These classes are wrappers for `theanets library <>`_ --- a neural network python library.


# Copyright 2014-2015 Yandex LLC and contributors <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta

import numpy
import theanets as tnt

from .interface import Classifier, Regressor
from .utils import check_inputs, check_scaler, remove_first_line
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state

__author__ = 'Lisa Ignatyeva, Alex Rogozhnikov, Tatiana Likhomanenko'
__all__ = ['TheanetsBase', 'TheanetsClassifier', 'TheanetsRegressor']

# sample has too different interfaces from what we support here
# currently, hf now does not work in theanets, see

# to keep climate from printing anything, uncomment following:
# import os
# import climate
# null_file = open(os.devnull, "w")
# climate.enable_default_logging(default_level='ERROR', stream=null_file)

[docs]class TheanetsBase(object): """A base class for the estimators from Theanets library. :param features: list of features to train model :type features: None or list(str) :param layers: a sequence of values specifying the **hidden** layer configuration for the network. For more information see `Specifying layers <>`_ in the theanets documentation. Note that theanets `layers` parameter includes input and output layers in the sequence as well. :type layers: sequence of int, tuple, dict :param int input_layer: size of the input layer. If it equals -1, the size is taken from the training dataset :param int output_layer: size of the output layer. If it equals -1, the size is taken from the training dataset :param str hidden_activation: the name of an activation function to use on the hidden network layers by default :param str output_activation: the name of an activation function to use on the output layer by default :param float input_noise: standard deviation of desired noise to inject into input :param float hidden_noise: standard deviation of desired noise to inject into hidden unit activation output :param float input_dropouts: proportion of the input units to randomly set to 0; it ranges [0, 1] :param float hidden_dropouts: proportion of hidden unit activations to randomly set to 0; it ranges [0, 1] :param int decode_from: any of the hidden layers can be tapped at the output. Just specify a value greater than 1 to tap the last N hidden layers. The default is 1, which decodes from just the last layer. :param scaler: transformer which is applied to the input samples. If it is False, scaling will not be used :type scaler: str or sklearn-like transformer or False :param trainers: parameters to specify training algorithm(s), for example:: trainers=[{'algo': sgd, 'momentum': 0.2}, {'algo': 'nag'}] :type trainers: list[dict] or None :param random_state: state for a pseudo random generator :type random_state: None or int or RandomState For more information on the available trainers and their parameters see this `page <>`_. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta _model_type = None def __init__(self, features=None, layers=(10,), input_layer=-1, output_layer=-1, hidden_activation='logistic', output_activation='linear', input_noise=0, hidden_noise=0, input_dropout=0, hidden_dropout=0, decode_from=1, weight_l1=0.01, weight_l2=0.01, scaler='standard', trainers=None, random_state=42, ): self.features = list(features) if features is not None else features self.layers = list(layers) self.input_layer = input_layer self.output_layer = output_layer self.random_state = random_state self.scaler = scaler self.trainers = trainers self.exp = None self.input_noise = input_noise self.hidden_noise = hidden_noise self.input_dropout = input_dropout self.hidden_dropout = hidden_dropout self.decode_from = decode_from self.weight_l1 = weight_l1 self.weight_l2 = weight_l2 self.hidden_activation = hidden_activation self.output_activation = output_activation
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """ Set the parameters of the estimator. Deep parameters of trainers and scaler can be accessed, for instance:: trainers__0 = {'algo': 'sgd', 'learning_rate': 0.3} trainers__0_algo = 'sgd' layers__1 = 14 scaler__use_std = True :param dict params: parameters to set in the model """ for key, value in params.items(): if hasattr(self, key): if key == 'layers': value = list(value) setattr(self, key, value) else: # accessing deep parameters param, sep, param_of_param = key.partition('__') if sep != '__': raise ValueError(key + ' is an invalid parameter a Theanets estimator') if param == 'trainers': index, sep, param = param_of_param.partition('_') index = int(index) if index >= len(self.trainers): raise ValueError('{} is an invalid parameter for a Theanets estimator: index ' 'too big'.format(key)) if param == '': # e.g. trainers__0 = {'algo': 'sgd', 'learning_rate': 0.3} self.trainers[index] = value else: # e.g. trainers__0_algo = 'sgd' self.trainers[index][param] = value elif param == 'layers': index = int(param_of_param) if index >= len(self.layers): raise ValueError('{} is an invalid parameter for a Theanets estimator: index ' 'too big'.format(key)) self.layers[index] = value elif param == 'scaler': try: self.scaler.set_params(**{param_of_param: value}) except Exception: raise ValueError('was unable to set parameter {}={} ' 'to scaler {}'.format(param_of_param, value, self.scaler)) else: raise ValueError(key + ' is an invalid parameter for a Theanets estimator')
def _transform_data(self, data, y=None): """ Transform input samples by the scaler. :param pandas.DataFrame X: input data :param y: array-like target :return: array-like transformed data """ data_backup = data.copy() if not self._is_fitted(): self.scaler = check_scaler(self.scaler), y) return self.scaler.transform(data_backup) def _is_fitted(self): """ Check if the estimator is fitted or not. :rtype: bool """ return self.exp is not None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """ Train a classification/regression model on the data. :param pandas.DataFrame X: data of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: values for samples --- array-like of shape [n_samples] :param sample_weight: weights for samples --- array-like of shape [n_samples] :return: self """ self.exp = None if self.trainers is None: # use default trainer with default parameters. self.trainers = [{}] for trainer in self.trainers: if 'algo' in trainer and trainer['algo'] in UNSUPPORTED_OPTIMIZERS: raise NotImplementedError(trainer['algo'] + ' is not supported') self.partial_fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, keep_trainer=False, **trainer) return self
[docs] def partial_fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, keep_trainer=True, **trainer): """ Train the estimator by training the existing estimator again. :param pandas.DataFrame X: data of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: values for samples --- array-like of shape [n_samples] :param sample_weight: weights for samples --- array-like of shape [n_samples] :param bool keep_trainer: True if the trainer is not stored in self.trainers. If True, will add it to the list of the estimators. :param dict trainer: parameters of the training algorithm we want to use now :return: self """ pass
def _prepare_for_partial_fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, allow_multiple_targets=False, keep_trainer=True, **trainer): """ Do preparation for fitting which is the same for a classifier and regressor. :param pandas.DataFrame X: data of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: values for samples --- array-like of shape [n_samples] :param sample_weight: weights for samples --- array-like of shape [n_samples] :param bool allow_multiple_targets: True if target can contain multiple targets :param bool keep_trainer: True if the trainer is not stored in self.trainers :param dict trainer: parameters of the training algorithm we want to use now :return: prepared data and target """ X, y, sample_weight = check_inputs(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, allow_none_weights=False, allow_multiple_targets=allow_multiple_targets) X = self._transform_data(self._get_features(X, allow_nans=True), y) if keep_trainer: self.trainers.append(trainer) return X, y, sample_weight def _construct_layers(self, input_layer, output_layer): """ Build a layer list including correct input/output layers' sizes. :param int input_layer: input layer size taken from the data :param int output_layer: output layer size taken from the data :return: list of layers """ layers = [self.input_layer] + self.layers + [self.output_layer] if layers[0] == -1: layers[0] = input_layer if layers[-1] == -1: layers[-1] = output_layer return layers def _prepare_network_params(self): """ Prepare simple net parameters. :return: prepared dict """ if self.random_state is None: seed = 0 elif isinstance(self.random_state, int): seed = self.random_state else: seed = check_random_state(self.random_state).randint(0, 10000) return {'hidden_activation': self.hidden_activation, 'output_activation': self.output_activation, 'input_noise': self.input_noise, 'hidden_noise': self.hidden_noise, 'input_dropout': self.input_dropout, 'hidden_dropout': self.hidden_dropout, 'decode_from': self.decode_from, 'rng': seed, 'weight_l1': self.weight_l1, 'weight_l2': self.weight_l2 }
[docs]class TheanetsClassifier(TheanetsBase, Classifier): __doc__ = 'Implements a classification model from the Theanets library. \n' + remove_first_line(TheanetsBase.__doc__) _model_type = 'classification'
[docs] def partial_fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, keep_trainer=True, **trainer): X, y, sample_weight = self._prepare_for_partial_fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, keep_trainer=keep_trainer, **trainer) if self.exp is None: self._set_classes(y) layers = self._construct_layers(X.shape[1], len(self.classes_)) self.exp = tnt.Experiment(tnt.Classifier, layers=layers, weighted=True) params = self._prepare_network_params() params.update(**trainer) if trainer.get('algo', None) == 'pretrain': self.exp.train([X.astype(numpy.float32)], **params) else: self.exp.train([X.astype(numpy.float32), y.astype(numpy.int32), sample_weight.astype(numpy.float32)], **params) return self
partial_fit.__doc__ = TheanetsBase.partial_fit.__doc__
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): assert self._is_fitted(), 'Classifier wasn`t fitted, please, call `fit` first' X = self._transform_data(self._get_features(X, allow_nans=True)) return
predict_proba.__doc__ = Classifier.predict_proba.__doc__
[docs] def staged_predict_proba(self, X): """ .. warning:: This function is not supported in the Theanets (**NotImplementedError** will be thrown) """ raise NotImplementedError("'staged_predict_proba' is not supported by the Theanets classifiers")
[docs]class TheanetsRegressor(TheanetsBase, Regressor): __doc__ = 'Implements a regression model from the Theanets library. \n' + remove_first_line(TheanetsBase.__doc__) _model_type = 'regression'
[docs] def partial_fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, keep_trainer=True, **trainer): allow_multiple_targets = False if len(numpy.shape(y)) == 1 else True X, y, sample_weight = self._prepare_for_partial_fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, allow_multiple_targets=allow_multiple_targets, keep_trainer=keep_trainer, **trainer) if self.exp is None: layers = self._construct_layers(X.shape[1], 1 if len(numpy.shape(y)) == 1 else numpy.shape(y)[1]) self.exp = tnt.Experiment(tnt.Regressor, layers=layers, weighted=True) params = self._prepare_network_params() params.update(**trainer) if len(numpy.shape(y)) == 1: y = y.reshape(len(y), 1) if len(numpy.shape(sample_weight)) == 1: sample_weight = numpy.repeat(sample_weight, y.shape[1]) sample_weight = sample_weight.reshape(y.shape) if trainer.get('algo') == 'pretrain': self.exp.train([X.astype(numpy.float32)], **params) else: self.exp.train([X.astype(numpy.float32), y, sample_weight.astype(numpy.float32)], **params) return self
partial_fit.__doc__ = TheanetsBase.partial_fit.__doc__
[docs] def predict(self, X): assert self._is_fitted(), "Regressor wasn't fitted, please, call `fit` first" X = self._transform_data(self._get_features(X, allow_nans=True)) return
predict.__doc__ = Regressor.predict.__doc__
[docs] def staged_predict(self, X): """ .. warning:: This function is not supported in the Theanets (**NotImplementedError** will be thrown) """ raise NotImplementedError("'staged_predict' is not supported by the Theanets regressors")