
In order to enable RabbitMQ support you have to add testsuite.rabbitmq.pytest_plugin to pytest_plugins list in your conftest.py.

By default testsuite starts RabbitMQ service. In this case RabbitMQ installation is required.

Currently RabbitMQ plugin uses async aio-pika driver.

RabbitMQ installation

Consult official docs at https://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html

If you already have RabbitMQ installed and its location differs from /usr/lib/rabbitmq please specify TESTSUITE_RABBITMQ_BINDIR environment variable accordingly.

On MacOS just install Rabbitmq with brew: brew install rabbitmq

Environment variables


Use to override rabbitmq binary dir. Default is /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/ for Linux and /opt/homebrew/sbin/ for MacOS


Use to override rabbitmq server port. Default is 8672.


Use to override rabbitmq epmd port. Default is 8673.


By default testsuite will wait for up to 10s for RabbitMQ to start, one may customize this timeout via environment variable TESTSUITE_RABBITMQ_SERVER_START_TIMEOUT.

Customize ports

Testsuite may start RabbitMQ with custom ports if TESTSUITE_RABBITMQ_TCP_PORT or TESTSUITE_RABBITMQ_EPMD_PORT environment variables are specified.

Use external instance

Usage of external instance is not officially supported for now, but if your instance is local you may try setting environment variable TESTSUITE_RABBITMQ_TCP_PORT and pytest option --rabbitmq=1 and see if it works.

Usage example

async def test_rabbitmq_basic(rabbitmq):
    exchange = 'testsuite_exchange'
    queue = 'testsuite_queue'
    routing_key = 'testsuite_routing_key'

    channel = await rabbitmq.get_channel()

    async with channel:
        await channel.declare_exchange(
            exchange=exchange, exchange_type='fanout'
        await channel.declare_queue(queue=queue)
        await channel.bind_queue(
            queue=queue, exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key
        await channel.publish(
            body=b'hi from testsuite!',

        messages = await channel.consume(queue=queue, count=1)
        assert messages == [b'hi from testsuite!']





class testsuite.databases.rabbitmq.classes.ConnectionInfo[source]

RabbitMQ connection parameters