Http mockserver

Mockserver is a simple http server running inside pytest instance. Using mockserver fixture you can install per-test handler.


async def test_mockserver(service_client, mockserver):
    def handler(request: testsuite.utils.http.Request):
        assert request.headers['header-to-test'] == '...'
        assert request.json == {...}
        reutrn {...}

    response = await
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json() == {...}

    # Ensure handler was used
    assert handler.times_called == 1

Tested service should be configured to pass all HTTP calls to mockserver, e.g.:


In order to achieve this you should point your service to mockserver instead of original service url.

You can use session fixture mockserver_info.url() to build mockserver url, e.g.:

def service_args(mockserver_info):
    """Build service startup args."""
    return (

Usually your service takes config file as an argument. In this case you should provide fixture that creates config file and substitutes all testsuite related parameters.

Command line options


If there is no mockserver handler installed for path mockserver returns HTTP 500 error and fails current test. This behaviour could be switched off with --mockserver-nofail command-line option.

–mockserver-host HOST

Explicitly set HTTP mockserver hostname to bind to. Default is localhost.

–mockserver-port PORT

Explicitly set HTTP mockserver. Default is 0 which means bind to random port.

–mockserver-ssl-host HOST

Explicitly set HTTPs mockserver hostname to bind to. Default is localhost.

–mockserver-ssl-port PORT

Explicitly set HTTPs mockserver. Default is 0 which means bind to random port.

–mockserver-unix-socket PATH

Bind mockserver to unix domain socket. --mockserver-host and --mockserver-port options will be ignored.

pytest.ini options


Boolean flags. Controls how mockserver takes requests with trace-id header set.

When request trace-id header not from testsuite:
  • True: handle, if handler missing return http status 500

  • False: handle, if handler missing raise HandlerNotFoundError

When request trace-id header from other test:
  • True: do not handle, return http status 500

  • False: handle, if handler missing raise HandlerNotFoundError


Name of tracing http header, value changes from test to test and is constant within test. Default value is X-YaTraceId.


Name of tracing http header, value is unique for each request. Default value is X-YaSpanId.


Path to ssl certificate file to setup mockserver_ssl.


Path to ssl key file to setup mockserver_ssl.


When enabled mockserver acts as http proxy. Is disabled by default.



Test scoped fixture. Mockserver is already running when it’s requested.


Returns an instance of testsuite.mockserver.server.MockserverFixture.

class testsuite.mockserver.server.MockserverFixture[source]

Mockserver handler installer fixture.

exception NetworkError

Exception used to mock HTTP client network errors.

Requires service side support.

Available as mockserver.NetworkError alias or by full name testsuite.utils.http.NetworkError.

exception TimeoutError

Exception used to mock HTTP client timeout errors.

Requires service side support.

Available as mockserver.TimeoutError alias or by full name testsuite.utils.http.TimeoutError.

property base_url: str

Mockserver base url.

handler(path: str, *, prefix: bool = False, raw_request: bool = False, json_response: bool = False, regex: bool = False) Callable[[Callable[[...], Union[Response, Awaitable[Response]]]], AsyncCallQueue][source]

Register basic http handler for path.

Returns decorator that registers handler path. Original function is wrapped with AsyncCallQueue.

  • path – match url by prefix if True exact match otherwise

  • raw_request – pass aiohttp.web.Response to handler instead of testsuite.utils.http.Request

  • regex – set True to match path as regex pattern

  • prefix – set True to match path prefix instead of whole path

  • json_response – set True to let handler return json object instead of full response object

def handler(request: testsuite.utils.http.Request):
    return mockserver.make_response('Hello, world!')
property host: Optional[str]

Mockserver hostname.

json_handler(path: str, *, prefix: bool = False, raw_request: bool = False, regex: bool = False) Callable[[Callable[[...], Union[Response, int, float, str, list, dict, None, Awaitable[Optional[Union[Response, int, float, str, list, dict]]]]]], AsyncCallQueue][source]

Register json http handler for path.

Returns decorator that registers handler path. Original function is wrapped with AsyncCallQueue.

  • path – match url by prefix if True exact match otherwise

  • raw_request – pass aiohttp.web.Response to handler instead of testsuite.utils.http.Request

  • prefix – set True to match path prefix instead of whole path

  • regex – set True to match path as regex pattern

def handler(request: testsuite.utils.http.Request):
    # Return JSON document
    return {...}
    # or call to mockserver.make_response()
    return mockserver.make_response(...)
staticmethod make_response(response: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Union[str, bytes, bytearray]] = None, status: int = 200, headers: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Mapping[str, str]] = None, content_type: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, charset: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, *, json=<class 'testsuite.utils.http._NoValue'>, form=<class 'testsuite.utils.http._NoValue'>) Response

Create HTTP response object. Returns Response instance.

  • response – response content

  • status – HTTP status code

  • headers – HTTP headers dictionary

  • content_type – HTTP Content-Type header

  • charset – Response character set

  • json – JSON response shortcut

  • form – x-www-form-urlencoded response shortcut

new(prefix: str) MockserverFixture[source]

Create mockserver installer with given base prefix.

property port: Optional[int]

Mockserver port.

url(path: str) str[source]

Builds mockserver url for path

url_encoded(path: str) URL[source]

Builds mockserver url for path


Session scoped fixture. Contains all information about mockserver: host, port, etc.


Returns mockserver information object.

Returns testsuite.mockserver.classes.MockserverInfo instance containing basic information about mockserver.

class testsuite.mockserver.classes.MockserverInfo[source]

MockserverInfo(host: Optional[str], port: Optional[int], base_url: str, ssl: Optional[testsuite.mockserver.classes.SslCertInfo], socket_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None)

url(path: str) str[source]

Concats base_url and provided path.

Magic args

By default mockserver handler receives testsuite.utils.http.Request or aiohttp.web.BaseRequest object. Mockserver also supports special arguments that are filled with values from request, e.g.:

async def test_mockserver(service_client, mockserver):
    def handler(*, body_json, method):
        assert method == 'POST'
        assert body_json == {...}
        reutrn {...}

Currently supported arguments are:




Request body as binary


Request body as JSON object


Content-Type header value


Cookies dictionary


Form data


Headers dictionary


HTTP method string


Request path


Query dictionary

Timeouts and network errors

Mockserver supports timeouts and network errors emulation this requires service’s HTTP client support. It should specify supported error codes while performing request to mockserver:

GET /path HTTP/1.1
X-Testsuite-Supported-Errors: network,timeout

This feature should be turned off in production run.

Mockserver will respone with 599 HTTP error and testsuite-specific error code, HTTP client should raise its own internal exception corresponding to the error code:

HTTP/1.1 599 testsuite-error
X-Testsuite-Error: network|timeout

And on the service side:

Response HttpClient::request(const Request& request) {
  auto response = PerformRequest(request);
  if (response.status_code == 599 &&
     request.hasHeader("X-Testsuite-Error")) {
    const auto &testsuite_error =
    if (testsuite_error == "network")
      throw NetworkError();
    if (testsuite_error == "timeout")
      throw TimeoutError()
    throw std::runtime_error("Unhandled error code");
   return response;

Then you can raise mockserver error in the testcase, e.g.:

async def test_timeout(service_client, mockserver):
    def handle(request):
        raise mockserver.TimeoutError()
    response = await service_client.get('...')
    assert ...

Available errors are:


To make tests fast, testsuite starts the service only once, at the beginning of test session.

Consider a test case TestA, when service starts a background task which periodically calls external service. Suppose the task continues after test completion.

Observe, the background task started in TestA, causes http requests to mockserver, while another TestB is running.

Now recall that by default testsuite requires all calls to external services, which happen in test case, to be mocked.

It causes TestB to fail while handling request from TestA unless request from TestA coincidentally happens to be mocked in TestB.

What choices are there to make TestB pass:

  • Setup global mocks for any external APIs called from background tasks. It is undesirable because these mocks are only actually required by some of the tests.

  • Run testsuite with –mockserver-nofail flag. It is also undesirable because the developer is not warned anymore if he actually forgets to mock an external call.

As long as your services support OpenTracing-like distributed request tracing, there is a good solution to the problem.

When processing an unmocked http call to external service, mockserver takes advantage of OpenTracing http headers to tell whether or not the request was caused by current test case.

If the unhandled request was caused from current test case, mockserver terminates the test with error, as usually.

If the call is unrelated to current test case, mockserver acts as if –mockserver-nofail flag was specified, it responds with HTTP status 500 and test case proceeds normally.

OpenTracing can be enabled in pytest.ini

mockserver-tracing-enabled = true
mockserver-trace-id-header = X-TraceId
mockserver-span-id-header = X-SpanId