
Here we demonstrate how to use testsuite based on a simple chat application.

The frontend (chat-backend/chat.html) interacts with chat-backend, a simple HTTP service written in Python. chat-backend then communicates to an external storage service to actually store chat messages.

Two alternative storage services are implemented:

  • chat-storage-mongo - stores chat messages in MongoDB database

  • chat-storage-mysql - stores chat messages in MySQL database

  • chat-storage-postgres - stores chat messages in PostgreSQL database

Directory structure

chat-xxx/server.py - simple microservice written in python
chat-xxx/tests     - testsuite tests

Running examples

You can run tests using system pytest.

Run tests for all examples

make runtests

Run tests for a particular example

make runtests-chat-backend
make runtests-chat-storage-mongo
make runtests-chat-storage-mysql
make runtests-chat-storage-postgres

Running examples in docker

For convenience we provide examples of integration with Docker. To run examples in docker, you need to have docker and docker-compose installed.

Run application

Run chat backend with PostgreSQL storage

make run-chat-storage-postgres

Run chat backend with MongoDB storage

make run-chat-storage-mongo

Run chat backend with MySQL storage

make run-chat-storage-mysql

On startup completion you will see output similar to

chat-postgres_1 | ======== Running on ========
chat-postgres_1 | (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Open above URL in browser to interact with chat.

Run tests

Run tests for all examples

make docker-runtests

Run tests for a particular example

make docker-runtests-chat-backend
make docker-runtests-chat-storage-mongo
make docker-runtests-chat-storage-mysql
make docker-runtests-chat-storage-postgres
