Tcp mockserver ============== Testsuite provides facility to implement custom TCP/IP mockserver. It uses :class:`asyncio.StreamReaderProtocol` undercover, so you can write simple server that interacts with (reader, writer). Just like with regular :meth:`asyncio.loop.create_server`. Example ------- .. literalinclude:: ../tests/plugins/tcp_mockserver/ Fixtures -------- .. currentmodule:: testsuite.plugins.tcp_mockserver create_tcp_mockserver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:function:: create_tcp_mockserver(*, host='localhost', port=0, sock=None, **kwargs) -> Mockserver :param host: hostname to bind to, default is **localhost** :param port: port to bind to, default 0 binds to random port :param sock: socket to use instead of (hostname, port) pair :param kwargs: extra params are passed to :meth:`asyncio.loop.create_server` Returns an instance of :py:class:`Mockserver`. .. code-block:: python async with create_tcp_mockserver(host='localhost', port=0) as mockserver: yield mockserver Classes ------- .. autoclass:: Mockserver :members: