Source code for testsuite.utils.callinfo
import asyncio
import inspect
import typing
from testsuite.utils import cached_property
class BaseError(Exception):
"""Base exception class for this module."""
class CallQueueError(BaseError):
class CallQueueEmptyError(CallQueueError):
"""Call queue is empty error."""
class CallQueueTimeoutError(CallQueueError):
"""Timed out while waiting for call."""
CheckerType = typing.Callable[[str], None]
[docs]class AsyncCallQueue:
"""Function wrapper that puts information about function call into async
This class provides methods to wait/check function underlying function
def __init__(
func: typing.Callable,
checker: typing.Optional[CheckerType] = None,
self._func = func
self._name = func.__name__
self._checker = checker
def _is_coro(self):
return inspect.iscoroutinefunction(self._func)
def _get_callinfo(self):
return callinfo(self._func)
def _queue(self) -> asyncio.Queue:
return asyncio.Queue()
def __repr__(self):
return f'<AsyncCallQueue: for {self._func!r}>'
async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Call underlying function."""
if self._is_coro:
return await self._func(*args, **kwargs)
return self._func(*args, **kwargs)
await self._queue.put((args, kwargs))
[docs] def flush(self) -> None:
"""Clear call queue."""
self._queue = asyncio.Queue()
def has_calls(self) -> bool:
"""Returns ``True`` if call queue is not empty."""
return self.times_called > 0
def times_called(self) -> int:
"""Returns call queue length."""
return self._queue.qsize()
[docs] def next_call(self) -> dict:
"""Pops call from queue and return its arguments dict.
Raises ``CallQueueError`` if queue is empty
return self._get_callinfo(*self._queue.get_nowait())
except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty:
__tracebackhide__ = True
raise CallQueueEmptyError(
f'No calls for {self._name}() left in the queue',
) from None
[docs] async def wait_call(self, timeout=10.0) -> dict:
"""Wait for fucntion to be called. Pops call from queue. Blocks if
it's empty.
:param timeout: timeout in seconds
Raises ``CallQueueTimeoutError`` if queue is empty for ``timeout``
item = await asyncio.wait_for(self._queue.get(), timeout=timeout)
return self._get_callinfo(*item)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
__tracebackhide__ = True
raise CallQueueTimeoutError(
f'Timeout while waiting for {self._name}() to be called',
) from None
def _check_callqueue(self, caller):
if self._checker is not None:
def getfullargspec(func):
if isinstance(func, staticmethod):
func = func.__func__
func = getattr(func, '__wrapped__', func)
return inspect.getfullargspec(func)
def callinfo(func):
func_spec = getfullargspec(func)
func_varkw = func_spec.varkw
func_kwonlyargs = func_spec.kwonlyargs
func_kwonlydefaults = func_spec.kwonlydefaults
func_args = func_spec.args
func_varargs = func_spec.varargs
defaults = func_spec.defaults or ()
func_defaults = dict(zip(func_args[-len(defaults) :], defaults))
def callinfo_getter(args, kwargs):
dct = dict(zip(func_args, args))
for argname in func_args[len(args) :]:
if argname in kwargs:
dct[argname] = kwargs[argname]
dct[argname] = func_defaults.get(argname)
if func_varargs is not None:
dct[func_varargs] = args[len(dct) :]
for argname in func_kwonlyargs:
if argname in kwargs:
dct[argname] = kwargs[argname]
dct[argname] = func_kwonlydefaults[argname]
if func_varkw is not None:
dct[func_varkw] = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in dct}
return dct
return callinfo_getter
[docs]def acallqueue(
func: typing.Callable,
checker: typing.Optional[CheckerType] = None,
) -> AsyncCallQueue:
"""Turn function into async call queue.
:param func: async or sync callable, can be decorated with @staticmethod
:param checker: optional function to check whether or not operation on
callqueue is possible
if isinstance(func, AsyncCallQueue):
return func
if isinstance(func, staticmethod):
func = func.__func__
return AsyncCallQueue(func, checker=checker)