Source code for

import collections
import pathlib
from typing import Any, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional

from . import classes, utils

[docs]def find_schemas( schema_dirs: List[pathlib.Path], dbprefix: str = 'testsuite-', extra_schema_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, classes.DatabaseConfig]: """Retrieve database schemas from filesystem. :param schema_dirs: list of schema pathes :param dbprefix: database name internal prefix :param extra_schema_args: for each DB contains list of tables we don't have to truncate and flag for explicit creation example: .. code-block:: python { 'database1': { 'create': False, 'truncate_non_empty': True, 'keep_tables': [ 'table1', 'table2' ] } } :returns: Dictionary where key is dbname and value is ``classes.DatabaseConfig`` instance. """ result = {} for path in schema_dirs: if not path.is_dir(): continue for dbname, migrations in _scan_path(path).items(): full_db_name: str = dbprefix + dbname if extra_schema_args: kwargs: Dict = extra_schema_args.get(full_db_name, {}) else: kwargs = {} result[dbname] = classes.DatabaseConfig( dbname=full_db_name, migrations=migrations, **kwargs, ) return result
def _scan_path( schema_path: pathlib.Path, ) -> DefaultDict[str, List[pathlib.Path]]: result = collections.defaultdict(list) for entry in schema_path.iterdir(): if entry.suffix == '.sql' and entry.is_file(): result[entry.stem].append(entry) elif entry.is_dir(): result[entry.stem].extend(utils.scan_sql_directory(entry)) return result