HTTP Ammo providers

HTTP Ammo provider is a source of test data - it makes ammo object

HTTP Ammo provider is a source of test data: it makes ammo object.

There is a common rule for any (built-in) provider: data supplied by ammo provider are records that will be pushed via established connection to external host (defined in pandora config via option). Thus, you cannot define in the ammofile to which physical host your ammo will be sent.

Test data


jsonline format, 1 row — 1 json-encoded ammo.

Pay attention to special header Host defined outside of Headers dictionary.

Host inside Headers section will be silently ignored.

Ammofile sample:

{"tag": "tag1", "uri": "/", "method": "GET", "headers": {"Accept": "*/*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "User-Agent": "Pandora"}, "host": ""}

Config sample:

  - ammo:
      type: http/json                # ammo format
      file: ./ammofile               # ammo file path

raw (request-style)

Raw HTTP request format. If you like to use telnet firing HTTP requests, you’ll love this. Also known as phantom’s request-style.

File contains size-prefixed HTTP requests. Each ammo is prefixed with a header line (delimited with \n), which consists of two fields delimited by a space: ammo size and tag. Ammo size is in bytes (integer, including special characters like CR, LF). Tag is a string. You can read about this format (with detailed instructions) at Yandex.Tank documentation

Ammofile sample:

73 good
GET / HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: xxx (shell 1)

77 bad
GET /abra HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: xxx (shell 1)

78 unknown
GET /ab ra HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: xxx (shell 1)

Config sample:

  - ammo:
      type: raw                      # ammo format
      file: ./ammofile               # ammo file path

You can define common headers using special config option headers. Headers in ammo file have priority. Format: list of strings.


  - ammo:
      type: raw                      # ammo format
      file: ./ammofile               # ammo file path
        - "[Host: yourhost.tld]"
        - "[User-Agent: some user agent]"


List of URIs and headers

Ammofile sample:

[Connection: close]
[Cookie: None]
/?drg tag1
/buy tag2
[Cookie: test]

Config sample:

  - ammo:
      type: uri                      # ammo format
      file: ./ammofile               # ammo file path

You can define common headers using special config option headers. Headers in ammo file have priority. Format: list of strings.


  - ammo:
      type: uri                      # ammo format
      file: ./ammofile               # ammo file path
        - "[Host: yourhost.tld]"
        - "[User-Agent: some user agent]"


Ammo filters

Each http ammo provider lets you choose specific ammo for your test from ammo file with chosencases setting:

  - ammo:
      type: uri                        # ammo format
      chosencases: [ "tag1", "tag2" ]  # use only "tag1" and "tag2" ammo for this test
      file: ./ammofile                 # ammo file path

Tags are defined in ammo files as shown below:


{"tag": "tag1", "uri": "/",

raw (request-style):

73 tag1
GET / HTTP/1.0


/?drg tag1
/buy tag2

HTTP Ammo middlewares

HTTP Ammo providers have the ability to modify HTTP request just before execution. Middlewares are used for this purpose. An example of Middleware that sets the Date header in a request.

  - ammo:
      type: uri
        - type: header/date
          location: EST
          headerName: Date

List of built-in HTTP Ammo middleware:

  • header/date

You can create your own middleware. But in order to do that you need to register them in custom pandora

import (
    httpRegister ""

httpRegister.HTTPMW("header/date", func (cfg headerdate.Config) (middleware.Middleware, error) {
    return headerdate.NewMiddleware(cfg)

For more on how to write custom pandora, see Custom.

HTTP Ammo preloaded

Pandora’s architecture is designed for high performance. To achieve high performance, Pandora prepares ammo for each instance.

If you have large requests and a large number of instances, Pandora starts using a lot of memory.

For this case HTTP providers has a preload flag. If it’s set to true, the provider will load the ammo file into memory and use the body of the request from memory


  - ammo:
      type: ...
      preload: true